Thursday, November 26, 2009


Do you udnersatnd waht I hvae werittn? Can you rzealie waht am I tnryig to pnoit out?

Wlel, if you do, dno't you tnhik the haumn mnid is slimpy garet?
It is one tnhig rneadig a new lganguae but rneadig and rnecognizig a faamilir lganguae werittn in a clompletey unfaamilir and brizare way is mnid-bnogglig!!!

I aylwas beelievd taht the haumn mind is clapable of annythig. But tihs.. its anmazig!
Slpel the wdors inclorrecty aglthouh kneepig the lsat and the fsirt leettr the smae way and vloia eevn tehn you can raed it plerfecty!

Hnave't you adlreay? :)))))
So Ctongraulnatios, and keep anmazig yuorslef !!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Its so Simple!

Yes it is..
As a twenty something who believes in the power of humanity, I can only give this advice to anyone who wishes to heed it. 
 Be Simple
 You can be uncomplicated and nice at the same time! Everyone will like (I don't say love because simple people are not passionate, mostly!) you for it. Many people would be nice to you on face and b***h behind your back. But that won't matter to you, 'coz you don't care or rather you do!!
They will do this 'coz they wouldn't be able to be like you. Case of sour grapes actually!!

You can choose to react or respond. Your call.
You can also choose not to.

Its really that Simple................

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ignorance is the need of the hour!!!

There are 2 kinds of people in this world:
Those whom you love. And those whom you hate.
But I have also met the third kind.

Those who we so wish to ignore but this variety is so immune, they can't be. Ignored that is.

Why these people feel that they have the entire earth's burden on them, only they know.
Is it because they feel that they need to do humanity a favor (by acting so concerned about people) or are they just plain nosy people,interfering in others' private lives?

I, personally have come across many such entities. They roam around to find information about others which then could be used as gossip for their kitty parties.
But by doing this, what they don't realize is that they are actually becoming pieces of gossip themselves!

The R word is what irritates me the most. (R for r*l*tives)
These species eat your brain, your peace and sometimes your wealth too. Actually make it most of the time.They keep bothering you until they have your guts out or till they are satisfied,which is rarely the case! Speaking of R, I would like to share a joke that I read on a website.

Earlier, whenever I used to go to any cousin's wedding, the R(plural)s would tell me 'you are next'. They stopped doing that when I started saying the same at funerals.

Jokes apart, I could go on and on about the 3rd kind.So much that it could be turned out into a book.
But I wouldn't be doing that, because you see, I am trying very hard to ignore them in the first place, ain't I ?

Friday, August 28, 2009


Once there was a Girl, she was Mediocre in every sense of the term!
She wasn't beautiful but neither was she ugly.
She wasn't rich nor was she poor.
She wasn't too happy but neither was she too sad.

She was what we generally call 'Average' (which by the way includes more than 85% of the population of this world). She did not like this kind of existence but could not do anything about it. (Remember,she was Mediocre even in her emotions)

But then she met a Boy who was completely opposite to her.
He was always extreme.
He had the worst temper and He was one of the richest boys.
But he was always extreme in the wrong situations. Being kindest to rude people and harshest to nice ones.
But as every life on this earth takes birth with a purpose; his life also had a one!
which was to make the girl realize that she was indeed blessed.

Coz to be extreme is not good (she was mediocre even in thinking) and she found a new perspective of her life. The view that changes our thinking or is it the other way round?
Anyways, she realized that she had found a new meaning of her life; which..was.. BALANCE.........

Neither right,neither wrong- Diplomatic
Neither happy nor sad- स्थितप्रग्य
Neither rich nor poor- Satisfied

She was like everyone. Everyone else who 'averaged' the balance of this World!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What do you do when nothing goes right?
You wait for anything to go right.. then you wait for something to go right.. and finally you wait for everything to go right..
Isn't that the norm? But who follows norms now-a-days... Isn't it fashionable not to follow them actually?
Which makes me ponder whether the word Norm comes from the word Normal.
Generally, whatever the majority of people have or behave is termed as normal. If you are not a part of that majority then you will be labelled abnormal.
Because 99% of humans have 5 fingers each, it is normal. if you are otherwise,then you are a freak.
Humans it seems are scared of 'not belonging' to any group. After all isn't Man a social animal?
An autistic child is called mad because it doesn't adhere to the so called behavior of normal children.
The television soap "Aapki Antara " airing on Zee T.V. showcases this attitude very beautifully.. It is trying to put across the trauma that the child and its parents go through for not being normal.
Agreed, we have been brought up this way, so that sub consciously the abnormality stings us.
But we can definitely, consciously fight it out.
I believe one has to be really lucky, I mean really, to be Abnormal. Different from the next individual.
Isn't it the Norm today, anyways?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Illusions and Thoughts related to it...

Few days back, I read an article in the Times Of India under the Speaking Tree column. It kind of really sparked my imagination. Below I have written a brief idea in my own words that was presented in that column:

When we dream, at that point of time everything seems real. We get really caught up in the dream.
But as soon as we wake up, the dream begins to feel less real by the minute. We begin to forget the moments, which at the time of sleeping seemed so real.
Similarly, as we pass out of this world into a higher reality, everything happened in this life would seem like a dream.
An illusion which will remain in our memory but only as an illusion.

So this was the idea presented. It makes me wonder what can we really expect in the afterlife.
There are many theories, many ideas on this subject. Which makes me come to the main point. Will it be Subjective or Objective?
By that I mean, whether everybody will have a same afterlife or would it be up to us to choose what we wish to do in ours. OR would it be different but at the same time be chosen for us.

As in the fictional book The Five People You meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom, the main character dies and after meeting the 5 people whose lives he had affected, he finally finds himself in a place he can call home.

Or would it be like as Dr.Brian Weiss states in his numerous books: that the soul will see a bright light to which it would be attracted, which would give it strength and the energy required to sum up its life. And continue with its journey of learning and meeting its loved ones?

Nobody really knows. Unless we are faced with it, nobody will be sure. Until then we continue with our life and its share of problems.
On a lighter note as Woody Allen puts it:

"There are worst things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?"

Friday, July 17, 2009

A Random Thought...

Yesterday, I saw a very beautiful sight.
Getting up early (for a change) I sat on the sofa overlooking the window. The sky was filled with birds flying wildly over the horizon. They seemed so happy and so delighted, like a child with a balloon or rather (now-a-days)a child with a video game (X-box) to be precise.
Just the sight of them moving so freely,without a care in the world, pointed a very sad fact.
We as humans, are so engrossed in going after one thing that we forget the basic necessity of our existence.
How much time do we (which includes me too) give just to sit and admire our nature?
To give it back what we have taken and keep on taking.
Is it not courtesy on our part to at least give it, the respect it deserves?
But If wishes were birds, then I would have been flying with them right now and rather wildly too.
Easier said than done...huh?

As the Canadian Cree tribe of Indians say:

"Only when the last tree is cut down,
the last river poisoned, the last fish is caught,
people will see that you cannot eat